Thursday, May 29, 2014

5/30/14 - Watchlist

Have been stuck with PDT (pattern day trader) rule possible violation by my broker, IB! So, not trading until next week. Will be doing watchlist just the same, I do love this!

If anyone wants to follow my trades send me an email, , and I will forward the emails that I receive from IB that alert me when my orders fill. Lots of times my orders hit while I am away from my terminal, usually at a soccer field. The emails look like this:

BOUGHT 1,700 GLTC(NITE) @ 0.68 (UXXX0762) as of 2014-05-29 12:58:07

ECOP - Another red day, still waiting for a bounce 

IDEA - BAP - Showing weakness, just in slow motion, what is taking a day for this ticker to show usually happens in an hour for others.

HIIT - BNC - Might have another green day in it but don't expect much more, being Friday, the self fulfilling prophecy of shorters covering before the weekend might send it higher but it will crack after that.

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5/29/14 - Watchlist

LXRP - BAP - Up ¢.10 on Wednesday, getting pumped by Monster & Massive on Thursday, watching at the open for movement

SMXI - BAP - StockRoach pump o' the day gave it a good spike to the mid to low ¢.40's, will try to get shares anywhere in that area

HIIT - BNC - Nice bounce following 5 red days, so lots of resistance to hold down

ECOP - WFAGD, dropping from highs in the ¢.90's, the bounce will be a good short, could happen today or tomorrow

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5/28/14 - Watchlist

GLOH - BNC - Dump from the $2's to the ¢.25 support in 7 days, today was day 2 of the bounce from that, watching for weakness in the next days

VGTL - SPIKE - 3 green days with today not closing on the high, started a position @ ¢.49, small size, watching to add when weakness shows

GLTC - SMIKE - Low volume, should be fading all this week, short @ ¢.67, trying to add in the high to mid ¢.70's

IDEA - BAP - Different pumpers on this one since last week, showing that is about to be over, tried to get shares today but none available will keep IB trick order in to grab them

StockRoach/Stock Hideout coming out with pick they are saying is below ¢.40, so might be interesting (their pumps have been sub penny lately)

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

5/22/14 - Watchlist

SMXI - BAP/BNC - Solid green day today, showing support @ ¢.28 CSTI 10k, will watch tomorrow for that to either push the price higher or get pulled

WPWR - BAP/SMIKE - Nice SMIKE on Wednesday, short from ¢.175, still might go up so prepared to add if need be

GLTC - SMIKE - Nothing on Twitter, could be pre promo (or pre recycle) like the short idea early in the day

IGPK - BNC - Watching for weakness or another green day

AXXE - BAP - Looking to get recycled again, has to get to the ¢.30's to be interesting

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

5/20/14 - Watchlist

WIIM - BAP - Penny Stock Profile/Lotto Pick pump, have shares from ¢.22, might be averaging up just to make getting out easier and faster, will watch the morning price action

HIIT - BAP - A red day on Monday should bring a panic on Tuesday, short from ¢.69

GPNE - BAP - Whisper from Wall Street pump, 10 red days??? Mind you some are gaps at the open then dropping to fill that all day, watching for a SMIKE and weakness

MEDA - SMIKE - Only got 105 shares on this one, so far, trying to short just below the ask for S&E

HHWW - BAP - RDI/Featured PS pump was up to $1.90 from the open @ $1! Pumpers have moved on so unless there is another newsletter pumping it this week it will dump hard, trying to get shares

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

5/16/14 - Watchlist

MVTG - SUP - Spike the last 2 days, from a SA article : Seeking Alpha Article
watching for weakness to short into

SMXI - BAP - Today will be 2nd day of pump(s) newsletters hitting emails, wild stretching price action today, will be a good short if can get shares in the higher range of the price swing

MEDA - SMIKE - Watching for the breakout above ¢.60 or the resistance turn at the same level

VHUB - SMIKE - A green day..waiting for another

DPSM - BNC - Small bounce/smike, looks like could have a green Friday, will look for shares in the afternoon

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

5/15/14 - Watchlist

BRPC - BNC - Green day from dump on the 13th, thin on both sides of the level 2, watching the open as the spread might not tighten up will try to short on the ask

RNBI - ... REALLY...C'mon... read this .... $RNBI

KIRI - BAP - StockMister pump and some sister newsletters, always a good short opportunity, will be trying to get shares with the IBTRICK

THNS - BAP - Market 365 pump.. WFAGD

HIIT - BAP - Stock Professors pump, in a mid range kinda area, right now could go one way or the other so watching and waiting for some upward movement to short into or weakness to show

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

5/13/14 - Watchlist

Thank you @timothysykes! Made $200 while fishing this morning! #shortingwhilefishing
5/7/14, 10:07 PM

I am very GRATEFUL to be able to trade and to have this strategy that allows me to make money while being away from my terminal!!

Am short VHUB, QEGY, AHII & GFOX, like all my entries on these and will be averaging up if need be.
So will be watching those closely for price action and where to get in and/or out.

KRED - SMIKE - @Dazetrader let me know about this one after hours, great to have traders helping traders! Greatly appreciated ! Lower highs even on this green day with resistance on level 2 @ ¢.76 CANT 16.5 k 

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

5/12/14 - Watchlist

When to take PROFITS

QEGY - Low volume from Friday when had it on watchlist also, dropped in the morning then recovered at the close, still watching for a breakout above ¢.90

AHII - Nice green day Friday, looks to still have some steam so will watch and try to get shares at the top of a spike

VHUB - very compressed candle Friday, have shares @ ¢.56. The filings are a good read, kinda feels like you are reading a playbook, one that is setup to deliberately confusing in case the other team gets hold of it

GFOX - SMIKE - Has used ¢.50 for resistance for 3 days now with a SMIKE today in the low ¢.60's, will watch for weakness

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

5/9/14 - Watchlist

For those of you afraid to short, read this Short Selling Explanation.... Fast and Easy  
Then read this : In defense of shorting

The rest of you carry on...

BRPC - BtC the rest of the shares today, had left a limit order @ ¢.80. The first ones filled pre market, which is odd for OTC's but not the first time it has happened to me always to my benefit mind you, so grateful for the orders!!

BVII - BAP - Uncompensated pump it appears from Bull Trend, will see what it does in the afternoon tomorrow as might have some blind followers propping it up in the morning

VHUB - BAP/BNC - Found 3 BAP in the last month that have pumped this one, so there are probably more newsletters out there that have pushed it also. Ideal entry would have been 5/7 after the initial bounce but still has some drop left in it, WFAGD.

AHII - BNC - 1st green day (need an abbreviation for that) after dump, closed on the high so will look for follow through to short into.

QEGY - Hanging around ¢.90, will watch for it to break out above it for a false break out or real one, either way will look to start position once this happens

PGFY - Just fun to watch... yes the kind of nerd that I am watching this price action is fun

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Links to some of my posts

Abbreviations I use

Short Selling Explanation.... Fast and Easy     

My Chat Room

What is an Uncompensated Pump?

Which desk would you choose?   

Get OUT of Retail!!

RNBI - Just quick DD to find out what this stock will be

In defense of shorting

In defense of shorting

Shorting has a bad name with some traders. I believe they just have not thought through the whole process of a "trade.

When you buy a stock there is a seller, when you sell there is a buyer. There are 2 sides to every trade. Now when someone says they do not want to bet against the company they need to remember they are not buying their shares from the actually company, they are making a trade with another trader. When the actually company is putting it's shares in the market, something is going on, IPO, raising capital, getting ready for a pump, dumping etc.

When you buy a stock at ¢.50 and you think what a great price because the price has been falling and it just rebounded at that level and is now going up. You are happy because you have a good entry, but WHO sold you those shares? Probably someone that bought at a higher level and is now taking a loss, NOT the company another TRADER. 

When you go onto Ebay and bid in an auction for an item, lets say a Nike soccer ball. You try to get the best price to buy that ball, the seller knows what price they want to sell the ball for and is waiting for the price to get to that point. Now, you might move your bid higher and the seller might lower their acceptable price based on the interest in the Nike ball. An agreement will be reached and the ball will "trade" hands. 

Does Nike get any of that money? Is Nike concerned that you paid to much for the ball or that maybe the seller lost money on the deal? NO and NO

The company that is getting traded is not involved in the process of the trade, they just know that a trade happened, who made money or lost money is not something they keep up with. You are not trading with the company, you are trading with other PEOPLE and TRADERS like you. You are either the person that is making them money or causing them to lose money. It is a balance, that is what keeps the market going. Shorting has been outlawed before... the overall market dropped.

Pumps and dumps are different animals and there is drastic price manipulation going on there, that is another post all together, just defending the shorts right now. :-)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

5/8/14 - Watchlist

For an explanation of the Abbreviations I use

BLGO - SMIKE/BNC - Dump from 4/30, has a bounced from ¢.80 to $1 for 5 days, if can breakout above $1 will give a good short opportunity. 

BRPC - Partial fill on my BtC at ¢.80, will add if continues to stay in the high ¢.80's

CTTC - SMIKE - Up ¢.12 on the day, filled a gap from 5 days ago, has ¢.50 has resistance (CSTI @ ¢.50 11.1k). If ¢.50 holds will look to start a position 

AXXE - BAP - Getting pumped again, some mentions in social media. Normally does not get my attention, however looking at the after hour level 2 I see CSTI @ ¢.322 103k on the ask, not sure why it is there, will be interesting to watch at the open. 

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

RNBI ... Fast and Easy research ..

RNBI popped up on my nightly scanner because it spiked from ¢.15 to ¢.30 today. Looking at the chart it was at ¢.09 last week before that it hadn't traded since 3/28. Yep, March 28th, 2014, it is May 5th today. So, I look up the company on Yahoo Finance and find out it's description:

Rainbow International Corp., a development stage company, acquires and explores mining properties in Turkey. The company primarily explores for lead, zinc, copper, silver, and gold.

Anytime the company description has "development", "explores" I am thinking fake and just a shell to pump and dump, plus it is in Turkey, not like any of us are going to go check out the areas they are "exploring".

So I try to figure out why it has spiked and why the volume all of a sudden, from Stocks to Trade I see that the company filed a Form 8-K, so I read the form, this guy moves shares here, sells to this guy..bla bla... thinking pre promo maybe, getting ready to change the ticker, split some shares.

However, at the bottom of the form it is explaining who the guy is that will control 70.54% of the company now, a Mr. Corn.

On May 1, 2014, Donald Corn was appointed the sole officer and director of the registrant.  Mr. Corn has an extensive business marketing background and has been involved in developing leading edge product offerings in several industries, including the first BioTech Online database for medical researchers; the HUD HomeSource for real estate, and targeted mobile platform applications.  Since then, Mr. Corn has worked as a private investor.  Mr. Corn graduated from USMA in 1971.   From 1971 to 1976, Mr. Corn had a distinguished career as an Officer in the Armed Forces, where he managed the largest supply and maintenance facility in the US Army; later engaged a second career as an IBM computer sales and marketing professional.   Mr. Corn grew up in a large farming operation in Kansas and the Company believes he has a sufficient background to implement both hemp farming operations along the Front Range of Colorado, as well as a production/distribution and nationwide market organization to capitalize on these new growth industry.  

WOW! This is one global company huh? Precious metal mining in Turkey (excuse me, developing and exploring) one day then hemp farming in Colorado the next. Mr Corn "believes" he has the background for hemp farming, so the stock is running on blind faith in his belief.

This DUE DILIGENCE took me all of 5 minutes, if a certain "pack" gets hold of this as the next "weed" play will everyone bother to do the same? For the sake of their accounts I hope they all do.


5/6/14 - WATCHLIST

BRPC - SMIKE - Was @ ¢.71 for 3 days, spiked up to ¢.89, picked up shares at ¢.84. Was very thin on the ask and the bid, did not find anything at that time for the spike.

DNAP - SMIKE - Gap from 5/1 to 5/2 and spike on 5/2, FRED today, short @ ¢.34

BANJ - SMIKE - Up today with gap at the open will watch for tightening of the spread, shares were available very quickly today but were gone by the time I had put an order in

LPAD - Have shares from resistance @ ¢.49, spread is larger showing will become more illiquid so will try to BtC tomorrow for S&E

KGTO - Thin on both the ask and bid but the drop from 5/2 gives the edge to the bid and this dropping to at least the start of the pump, ¢.60

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 


ABBREVIATIONS : I use lots of acronyms, helps to keep my typing compact and it is faster and easier for me to review later, have had some questions about what they each mean. So decided to do this post and keep a running list for everyone's reference (including me):

BtC : Buy (or Bought) to Cover
FRED : First Red Day (thank you Slee for that one)
SMIKE : Small Spike
WFAGD : Waiting for a green day
S&E : Safe and Easy (means I took my profits, probably early but like it says..)
BNC : Looking to short a bounce from a dump, bounce caused by dip buyers
SPR : Spread Trade: Shorting on(ish) the ASK to cover on(ish) the BID 
BAP : Shorting Bad Pumpers