Monday, March 31, 2014

4/1/14 - Watchlist

TAMG, GDSI - SPR - Both going in and out of a LARGE spread, watching when I can, LOVE THESE TRADES!
AHII - BNC - FRED today after 4 green days, big buyer @ ¢.90 180k EGRO, was 500k all day, expect it to test $1
BISN - SMIKE - Nothing on post on iHub..SMIKE on low volume gives me the impression that manipulation is happening or about to..watching
GASE - SMIKE - looks like will break through ¢.50, real test will be ¢.60 if it gets there, like the r/r on this

Current Positions : AXXE @ ¢.41; TWSI @ ¢.65; TAMG @ ¢.56
Orders : GASE @ ¢.60
Watching :

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Short Selling Explanation….Short and Easy

This is how it works in a VERY simple form:

My friend, Bud is going on vacation for 2 weeks he loans me his Playstation 4.
I take Bud's Playstation and sell it for $300. 
Now I have $300, however I still have to return a Playstation 4 to Bud.
Playstation 5 comes out 1 week later.
A day before Bud comes back I go out and buy a Playstation 4 (does not have to be the same one
that I originally borrowed), the price has now gone down, so I pay $200.
The next day I give Bud his Playstation 4 back and $20 for letting me borrow it.

Profit $80!!

Now, Bud could have come back sooner than expected and demanded his Playstation back, I would have had to pay whatever price to get one back...$250, $300, $350, whatever I had to, even losing money in the process. So I could have had a smaller profit, no profit or a loss.

The Playstation 5 could have come out and not lived up to the hype and the word could have gotten out that Playstation 4 is still the best. Then the price would have gone up and I would still have to buy one back, but at a loss.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

3/27 - Watchlist

Good day today...feel that I need to increase position sizes on these trades I have a good winning percentage going so am confident that I will be able to do the same trades and make more money!!

Will be out the next 2 days with family..have some short positions that have orders to cover.

Current Positions : AXXE @ ¢.41; GDSI @ ¢.705; AXIH @ ¢.78; TWSI @ ¢.65
Orders :
Watching :

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

3/26 - Watchlist

TAMG - SPR/SMIKE - Nice gaps on the L2 ¢.63 then ¢.38, that will fill in but gives the opportunity for a short on the ask, will be watching at the open
WPWR - $.50 is now resistance, if it spikes back toward that level will enter

EFOI - SPR - Usually has 2 red days, will watch volume at the open to see if spread opens up

GDSI - SPR - Always have my eye on this one...

YIPI - SMIKE - Green day (#5) bounce, closed at the top of the candle will try to get into a morning SMIKE

AXIH - SPR - 25k CSTI resistance @ ¢.80, ¢.75 on the bid then ¢.70 after that..interesting

Current Positions : QUNI @ ¢.32; AXXE @ ¢.41
Orders : TAMG @ ¢.63; GDSI @ ¢.705; YIPI ¢.54
Watching : AXIH

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with postion with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Monday, March 24, 2014

3/25/14 - Watchlist

AXXE - Should have cut loses sooner, but BtC at the top. Did manage to short some more as this will panic tomorrow, did recoup part on the cover of SRCH, so good lesson overall.

WPWR - SMIKE - Watching tomorrow for this to have a green day and bounce off ¢.50

EFOI - SMIKE/SPR - Spread is ¢.66 to ¢.61 could tighten, but there is 12k @ ¢.70 like the R/R on a scalp

TAMG - SMIKE/SPR - ¢.10 SMIKE today, no tweets for days

Current Positions : QUNI @ ¢.32; AXXE @ ¢.41
Orders : EFOI @ ¢.69; TAMG @ ¢.72
Watching : WPWR

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with postion with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


AXXE - BAP - Short @ ¢.36, might be a little early to the party but there are no more shares to be had @ IB, will try to add if more come up. Some more bad pumpers jumping on this so looking at insiders to dump big soon.

QUNI - BAP - Short @ ¢.32, just waiting for the breakdown to the mid ¢.20's then will see where will BtC

SRCH - SUP - Taking safe profits soon

These are my positions right now, in and out week as my son is off for spring break.

When I am able, mobile or otherwise, will be looking for spread trades in GDSI.

Current Positions : SRCH @ ¢.34; AXXE @ ¢.36; QUNI @ ¢.32
Orders :
Watching : CVSL

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with postion with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

3/21/14 - WATCHLIST

LOVE the trades that I am doing, feel that I have come back stronger after break from holiday and moving. The break gave me a chance to concentrate and meditate on the trades that I know I can do and what I am the most comfortable with trading. Shorting the way that I am is best for me personally as I am able to see the trade before it happens, using visualization is not just for Olympic athletes! I became a student of Tim Sykes to be able to short with this type of confidence and am grateful that I have arrived at this level. Still have a long way to go but am very grateful and happy for this path.

Son has a band concert tomorrow morning so will be on and off terminal all day, as it is also his last day of school before spring break.

QUNI - BaP - Getting pumped by otcmagic, at least them that is, leaving order in to short it if shares come up, did short it last week, was good for a ¢.06 drop. 

AXXE - BaP - Was Darth Trader's pump, got the shares I wanted, might take a day or two to break down

Current Positions : SRCH @ ¢.34; AXXE @ ¢.33
Orders : QUNI @ ¢.33
Watching :

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with postion with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

3/20/14 - Watchlist

GDSI, TWSI, EFOI - SPR - Watching throughout the day for spread chances (shorting on the ask BtC on the bid)
QUNI - BaP - Getting pumped again, resistance @ ¢.325 23k CSTI, covered @ ¢.26 last week, technical support at that level
YIPI - SUP - Up to ¢.78 today, resistance @ ¢.83 35k CSTI, watching the open to see of the L2 tightens up
CVSL - Heavy twitter activity, will watch for weakness, also looking for the pumper of this one

Darth Trader coming out with promo tomorrow, watching for that at the open to short the gap

Current Positions : SRCH @ ¢.34
Orders : QUNI @ ¢.32

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with postion with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

3/19 - Watchlist

TWSI - SPR - Think I am fighting an automated system, kept trying to get on the ask alone with my order yesterday and after a second or two my order would be combined with another..spread is still there today so trying again just not as actively
EFOI - SMIKE - Gapped at the open today, waiting for SMIKE, bounce on the red day, has a tendency to spread out on the L2, so might turn into a spread trade

Current Positions : SRCH @ ¢.34
Orders :
Watching : EFOI

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with postion with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Monday, March 17, 2014

3/18/14 - Watchlist

YIPI - SUP - Up all day some red prints in the afternoon, will add when FRED's

GDSI - SPR - Looks like good spread if it holds though the day, will scalp it if the L2 stays like this

ASCC - SMIKE - Watching this one, up one day ¢.09, see if it continues then will watch for the sell off

TWSI - SPR - L2 has spread out, FREDed today, might panic in the morning

Current Positions : GASE @ ¢.59; SRCH @ ¢.34; YIPI @ ¢.68
Orders :
Watching : RBIZ, ASCC

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with postion with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

3/17/14 - Watchlist

3 open postions, just watching them today:

GASE - In @ ¢.59, dipped Friday was away from desk and did not cover, spiked at the open but right now there is a 131k (ETRF) seller on the ask @ ¢.57, so that is giving great protection

SRCH - In @ ¢.34, still a gap to fill from 3/13, L2 has spread out 10k @ ¢.37 on the ask, bid @ ¢.3105, lots of smaller orders showing from ¢.3105 to ¢.30. If the resistance breaks will look to add in the ¢.40's

YIPI - In @ ¢.68, if it goes red on the day will dump, will take safe profits as still not sure why it ran so much

AXXE - Lots of emails on this one today, bid support @ ¢.2640 100k CDEL, watching for weakness

Current Positions : GASE @ ¢.59; SRCH @ ¢.34; YIPI @ ¢.68
Orders :
Watching : AXXE

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with postion with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3/14/2014 - Watchlist

TWSI - SPR - Spread has tightened up, shares were available but never got filled. Thin L2, still a spread trade, nothing more, when get shares get out
WPWR - In case it goes higher, watching for shares to come available, safe play
GASE - BaP - Anywhere above ¢.50 like this, will add or hold as need be
SRCH - SMIKE - Gap opened today, up from a ¢.14 day 5 days ago, nothing on twitter, or other sites

Current Positions : 
Orders : TWSI @ ¢.79; GASE @ ¢.55; WPWR @ ¢.80; SRCH @ ¢.35
Watching : VEND

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with postion with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

3/13/14 - Watchlist - Back in the saddle

VEND - Just to play, if shares come up and it is still in the 5's

TNKE - BaP - OTC Magic pump, shares might be hard to come by, would only be a few pennies on the trade

TWSI - SPR - Traded as BaP strategy, this week, spread has widened, mid ¢.70's to mid ¢.60's

GASE - BaP - Darth Trader and Stock Pyscho pump, always good for a short if shares are available

WPWR - Stocktips pump, caught the first dump for a nice profit, then shorted a SMIKE for some more, tried to get in again and only got 200 shares then was bought in a few hours later. Level 2 showing some big support bids every time it starts to dump. Will wait for the SMIKE.

Current Positions : 
Orders : TNKE @ ¢.35; TWSI @ ¢.75; GASE @ ¢.57
Watching : VEND, WPWR

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with postion with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email);,,
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.