Sunday, June 29, 2014

6/29/14 - Watchlist

Watching LOTS of soccer these days! So have been letting trades run a little more than I would normally and using larger order sizes, and it has been working out really well! Answers the question I had about increasing order size or making more trades.. defiantly increasing lot size is the answer...for me and my style, remember we are ALL different.

ECOP - BAP - Will be pumped on Monday, sitting at a good technical support level right now so could go up with the pump, will watch the open and see where it goes probably put in an order mid morning to afternoon after I see what other emails hit, looking at @ least 5 pumpers right now

NVGT - BAP - Engulfing candle on Friday closing on the high, so could keep going up on Monday, if that be the case will watch for weakness intraday (if I am at my terminal and facing the is behind me)

KIRI/VGTL - BNC - Both dumped Friday so will get some bottom buyers sending them into bounces, will get shares of either really goes parabolic.

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Check order entry 3 times; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Never add on the day of entry; Positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky

CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on: Google finance

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

6/27/14 - WATCHLIST

VGTL - SMIKE - Did not find a pumper for it but have traded it before on a SMIKE to the same resistance level ¢.60ish, watching the morning for entry levels or a breakout or better yet a fake out, spread is a little large on this one so expect it to move slow unless interest is peaked by other traders

ENCR - BAP - Got shares today @ ¢.60, it spiked up some more, but could be squeezing or just spiking, trying to get more shares as it goes up

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Check order entry 3 times; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Never add on the day of entry; Positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky

CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on: Google finance

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.



Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6/25/14 - Watchlist

If anyone wants to follow my trades send me an email, , and I will forward the emails that I receive from IB that alert me when my orders fill. Lots of times my orders hit while I am away from my terminal, usually at a soccer field.

ENCR - BAP - FRED, no shares all day, will keep an order in to get shares as this might stall a little before going over a cliff

QTMM - ??? - Like the chart, but can not find the pumper..has all the characteristics of a pump but if I am unable to confirm it then I will not trade it... could be pre promo? maybe?

KIRI - BAP - Stockmister pump, shares were available but the price action never got me to the point of jumping in, plus with Stockmister pumps there are always follow up emails and pushes so still watching that, if it does spike will start a position 

NVGT - BAP - Getting pumped by a few newsletters, looks like a nice support level formed today (or created), if they can get it spiking will be interesting 

BANJ - BAP - Getting pumped on Wednesday, like the chart b/c of resistance levels that traders that have bought the pump will use to set to sell into and also use as stop loss orders when it dips, no shares available but have left order in to pick them up when they do come up

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Check order entry 3 times; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Never add on the day of entry; Positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky

CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on: Google finance

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Why I like a repump

When a company goes down the path of having their ticker pumped (or promoted) there is one reason. The insiders want to sell their shares of the company, shares that they probably issued to themselves at a very low price. So they get a promoter to send out emails, hard mailers etc..Now they do not necessarily want the price of their stock to go up, what they want is someone to sell to and that is what the promoter offers. So after the initial promotion the ticker follows the normal pattern, runs up, stalls, tips down then dumps. Sometimes the run-up and dump might be on a smaller scale, a few cents or it might be a $1. Then there will be a smaller promotion by less experienced and cheaper promoters that the insiders (or just one of them) have done, this could happen anywhere from 1 day to weeks after the initial promotion.

Why do they do this?

They have more shares to sell, again they are not looking to raise the price of their stock, actually they probably do not care about the price of the stock. They only want suckers to sell to. So when a stock is re-pumped that is one reason it appears to be a "bust" and why many times, on a pump or a re-pump, it tanks so fast at the open. Now, the promoter will send out an email saying that there was a problem, something that sounds good but is no where near the truth, like the ticker was attacked by the "shorts" early, to much resistance, the "news" that they promoted was already figured into the price and that this was a correction etc etc..

What really happened was that the insiders (and probably the promoter) sold their shares at the open, probably with market orders and with the traders thinking that they are getting a deal they are buying at whatever level they can get. The stock dumps immediately and then goes to zero or no volume just like it was before the initial promotion started. Bag holders are created and 90% of traders lose 90% of their money.

Why do I like the re-pump? I am a shorter, so many times I have had a short position in a stock and it gets re-pumped and it drops faster than I actually was expecting when I first shorted it!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

6/20/14 - Watchlist

HIIT, OOIL, DLPM - OOIL & DLPM were promo'ed again on Thursday, which is great! If you do not know why this is great read the next post. All 3 closed red on the day, OOIL showing the largest lots sizes hitting the bid, so looking for a panic on these 2 very soon. HIIT has started to have very low volume and tick down as the peeps that bought based solely on the SA article realize that it is not going any higher.

Have been in and out of the terminal this past week due to it being summer and am running my 12 year old son everywhere. Plus the WORLD CUP is on, and we are a soccer family, watching 3 games a day then the reports at soccer and getting the chance to see it on American TV is a gift! I have been getting lots of questions about my watchlists lately, I have and will continue to answer them all but I only check my email during market hours (other hours are family time), so if I do not answer the night you send me something just wait for the market to open the next day. :-) I love answering and helping out whoever needs it so keep 'em coming.

Any questions drop me an email I will respond during market hours:

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Check order entry 3 times; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Never add on the day of entry; Positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky

CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on: Google finance

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

6/19/14 - Watchlist

Slow day for the market, spent the time watching World Cup and reading articles and watching videos on trades.

Following my "Summer Strategy" I have larger positions in the 3 tickers that I am shorting right now. So will be watching the market on Thursday but only really looking to cover these positions:

HIIT - Averaged up, still holding up off a Seeking Alpha article, but knew that it would take a few extra days to drop off

OOIL - Pumped every day this week by various newsletters, weak day today and had to have some bid support by said newsletters. Did see some larger orders hitting the bid (20k up to 99k), averaged up on this one also

DLPM - No shares to average up... faked a dump today as it dipped, did finish red so it is going in the right direction

Any questions drop me an email I will respond during market hours:

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Check order entry 3 times; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Never add on the day of entry; Positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky

CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on: Google finance

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Links to some posts and links

Here are some past posts:

Abbreviations I use

Short Selling Explanation.... Fast and Easy

My Chat Room   

What is an Uncompensated Pump?

Which desk would you choose?   

Get OUT of Retail!!

In defense of shorting

Very cool lists to be a part of

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6/18/14 - Watchlist

If anyone wants to follow my trades send me an email, , and I will forward the emails that I receive from IB that alert me when my orders fill. Lots of times my orders hit while I am away from my terminal, usually at a soccer field.

ALKM, DPSM, KIRI - BNC - These are ripe for a green bounce day..waiting and watching

ECOP - BAP - No borrow no cry ... 

OCEE - BAP - A few newsletters will pump this in the morning, L2 very thin so it might pop will get shares if it does

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Check order entry 3 times; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Never add on the day of entry; Positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky

CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on: Google finance

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

Monday, June 16, 2014

6/17/14 - Watchlist

If anyone wants to follow my trades send me an email, , and I will forward the emails that I receive from IB that alert me when my orders fill. Lots of times my orders hit while I am away from my terminal, usually at a soccer field.

ALKM, DPSM, KIRI - BNC - These are ripe for a green bounce day..waiting and watching

ECOP - BAP - Getting pumped by at least 5 newsletters that I could see, up ¢.08 on Monday, watching for weakness, hard mailer was sent out last month

OOIL - BAP - Nice 4 day run, has some "investors" talking it up but it is getting pumped, might be more of a scalp trade depending on price action

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Check order entry 3 times; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Never add on the day of entry; Positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky

CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on: Google finance

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

6/16/14 - Watchlist

If anyone wants to follow my trades send me an email, , and I will forward the emails that I receive from IB that alert me when my orders fill. Lots of times my orders hit while I am away from my terminal, usually at a soccer field.

DLPM - Dropped nicely and I normally would have covered but was not at my terminal, I did have my limit order in to cover so when it dumps again and goes lower I will get covered

ITGC - BAP - Pumped by a number of newsletters on Friday and have been getting emails about it over the weekend, including Stockmister, so it has a good chance of spiking again. Would like to see it break out above ¢.20 that will give a great short opportunity.
CORRECTION - Stockmister is promo'ing IGPK, they had ITGC last week

Will be watching for other pumps to come out and will react accordingly. :)
First day this summer that I will be at my terminal for most of the trading session so will take advantage and watch price action for some trades later in the week.

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Check order entry 3 times; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky

CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on: Google finance

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Friday, June 13, 2014


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6/11/14 - Watchlist

If anyone wants to follow my trades send me an email, , and I will forward the emails that I receive from IB that alert me when my orders fill. Lots of times my orders hit while I am away from my terminal, usually at a soccer field.

HIIT - SMIKE - Seeking Alpha article generating volume, so will watch for 2 days and try to enter then.. or might get shares early and wait

KRED - BNC - Lots of support @ ¢.50ish, am waiting for the bounce off that to give a green day 

DLPM - BAP - Will get promo'ed tomorrow, shares will be hard to come by but will have IB trick in to get some and catch the dump

GFOX - Waiting for the $1 crack then for a green day to short into

ALKM - BAP - Got shares today @ ¢.49, might be early to dump party as looks to get recycled on the 11th by a few promoters, but I like being early rather than not being at all, will try to average up if able going probably gap up at the open

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Check order entry 3 times; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky

CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on: Google finance

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

6/10/14 - Watchlist

If anyone wants to follow my trades send me an email, , and I will forward the emails that I receive from IB that alert me when my orders fill. Lots of times my orders hit while I am away from my terminal, usually at a soccer field.

ALKM - BAP - Getting pumped by Whisper from Wall Street, was pumped the last 2 days by others, dropped today but showing support after-hours, CSTI @ ¢.47 10k, watching for a bounce and then weakness and/or bid whacking by insiders and/or holders from the pumps

MVTG - BNC - CSTI @ ¢.55 15.7k, giving resistance after an ¢.08 drop today, CSTI is on the Bid also, so making the market but might be holding it up for another day....WFAGD

PPCH - BNC/BAP - Pumped this week and has 2 green days after an 8 day dump going to be tough to go straight up as bag holders will be selling off at different points as it rises, watching for weakness, ideally around the ¢.30ish mark or above

COCP - BAP - Looking pre promo"ish" so might jump at the open, will be fun to watch if 2 or more pumpers get behind it, weakness should show early. This is the kind of ticker I put an order in above the current market and wait for it to fill, have a good track record getting great entries this way.

 RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer Strategy 2014

Summer is a supposed slow time for the stocks that I trade, so getting specify with my strategy for this time frame. Is better that I have this written down somewhere because summer is a little hectic and not always easy for me to trade as my son is on vacation from school and keeping him busy keeps me away from my computer sometimes.

- No spread trades
- Increase lot sizes (1.5k being the least, ideally 2k for the majority of trades)
- Trade only known pumps or prior pumps, if can not find the reason for a spike do not enter

Not a big long strategy but it is a little different than what I was doing.

Let me know what you think...

If anyone wants to follow my trades send me an email, , and I will forward the emails that I receive from IB that alert me when my orders fill. Lots of times my orders hit while I am away from my terminal, usually at a soccer field.

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

6/3/14 - Watchlist

If anyone wants to follow my trades send me an email, , and I will forward the emails that I receive from IB that alert me when my orders fill. Lots of times my orders hit while I am away from my terminal, usually at a soccer field.

SOPW - SMIKE - Has had a nice 10 days or so of run up to ¢.32 from just below ¢.20. CSTI has 15k @ ¢.2050, so might still get supported for some time, watching that bid to see if it gets pulled and/or moves one way or the other

HIIT - SMIKE - Weakness still not showing but will make a good short any day now

GMUI - Looks to be in pre promo mode and will get pumped this week

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email);;;

Scan on:

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.