Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6/25/14 - Watchlist

If anyone wants to follow my trades send me an email, zenstock2@gmail.com , and I will forward the emails that I receive from IB that alert me when my orders fill. Lots of times my orders hit while I am away from my terminal, usually at a soccer field.

ENCR - BAP - FRED, no shares all day, will keep an order in to get shares as this might stall a little before going over a cliff

QTMM - ??? - Like the chart, but can not find the pumper..has all the characteristics of a pump but if I am unable to confirm it then I will not trade it... could be pre promo? maybe?

KIRI - BAP - Stockmister pump, shares were available but the price action never got me to the point of jumping in, plus with Stockmister pumps there are always follow up emails and pushes so still watching that, if it does spike will start a position 

NVGT - BAP - Getting pumped by a few newsletters, looks like a nice support level formed today (or created), if they can get it spiking will be interesting 

BANJ - BAP - Getting pumped on Wednesday, like the chart b/c of resistance levels that traders that have bought the pump will use to set to sell into and also use as stop loss orders when it dips, no shares available but have left order in to pick them up when they do come up

RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Check order entry 3 times; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Never add on the day of entry; Positive tweets downtrending; no blue sky

CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps; Pennystocks24 (email); Stockpromoters.com; Pennylogic.com; ThePUMPtracker.com

Scan on: Google finance

DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.

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