TAMG, GDSI - SPR - Both going in and out of a LARGE spread, watching when I can, LOVE THESE TRADES!
AHII - BNC - FRED today after 4 green days, big buyer @ ¢.90 180k EGRO, was 500k all day, expect it to test $1
BISN - SMIKE - Nothing on Twitter...one post on iHub..SMIKE on low volume gives me the impression that manipulation is happening or about to..watching
GASE - SMIKE - looks like will break through ¢.50, real test will be ¢.60 if it gets there, like the r/r on this
Current Positions : AXXE @ ¢.41; TWSI @ ¢.65; TAMG @ ¢.56
Orders : GASE @ ¢.60
Watching :
RULES : Close below $1 on daily for 2 days & have Resistance @ $1; Any big Support needs NOT be evident after hours on level 2; Wait for green day (mini #5); Go in with position with ⅓ size ready to average in when goes up; Have exit order in place when entry hits; Get out if breaks $1, not before; 40% max on borrow fees; @ least 1 day with no positive tweets; no blue sky
CheckSites: Pumps&Dumps (email); Pennystocks24 (email); MicroCap Trading (email); TickerTweets.com, Promobuyer.net, Pennylogic.com
DISCLAIMER : This list is for entertainment purposes ONLY. I am not a financial advisor and you should not follow what I trade or how I trade.